Post by DarkEmperor on Nov 18, 2014 10:01:29 GMT 8
yang aku tau adamo and popo je layan assassin creed... laen aku tak sure lol...
winter sale neh nak sambar AC3 dengan black flag... tapi AC2 x abes maen lagi... brotherhood dengan revelation lagi best... beli tapi tak pernah open sampai sekarang lol...
popo last week katenyer dah habes dah maen AC3... adamo aku tak tau status... before this katenyer suh alert dia once AC3 sale murah... tapi x tau la dah beli ke idak lol...
incase tak tau chronology assassin creed....
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Assassin's Creed Unity (thread gameplay sekarang)
Last Edit: Nov 18, 2014 10:07:34 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
malam semalam ralit main This War of Mine dari kol 9 malam sampai 2 pagi... padahal dah bajet dah tuk maen AC Unity malam semalam lol...
anyway... pagi ni perasan email dari jewtube 7 hours ago...
Hi aizataton,
Due to a copyright claim, you are no longer monetizing the following YouTube video. It is still playable on YouTube, but the copyright owner could choose to show ads on it.
Video title: Best Faceplant Ever!!!!! (Assassin's Creed Unity Part 2) Includes: Visual content Claimed by: Flex_DMA View claim details Why this can happen
Your video might contain copyrighted content. A copyright claim on a video can prevent you from monetizing it. - The YouTube Team
bagi aku bullshit!!!! who da fukken shit is flex_dma?? sesuka hati nak claim copyright... kalau ubisoft yang claim aku maseh boleh terima lagi... but ubisoft sendiri bagi kebenaran tuk upload and monetize freely... boleh check kat sini...
gugel sket nama tu... result rupenyer one of the network for jewtube monetize... network ni 3rd party for jewtube tuk monetize kirenyer jewtubers boleh pileh samada nak monetize under jewtube or other network... i was like wadefakin fish??? then decide tuk dispute lahanat tu... alih alih claim tu dia dah tarek balek lol... tak sempat nak dispute... sesuka hati dia je claim copyright...
ok aku macam tak sangka plak ade orang pm aku dalam steam... yang dia follow aku punyer vid dari awal sampai yang latest... thing is disebabkan aku dah lama x update vid baru... so dia decide beli game tuh sebab nak tau storyline seterosnyer lol... to think that aku boleh inspired orang beli ori padahal aku maen pirate je adelah agak lol...
esoknyer dia pm aku lagi... ajak co-op sesame dalam AC Unity...
bukan aku xmo sambong... but mood sudah hilang sebab game not optimized for AMD hardware... even aku dah upgrade from Phenom II X3 710 & HD 6870 kepada FX 8350 & HD 7950 frame rate still sama jugak x smooth and lagging at some point...
Nampak bebenar ko x pernah sentoh game neh... Game neh ade cheat guard lah... Any cheats will be disable... Even berjaya sekalipon by pass, game akan crash...