tested ff xiii with new patch... not bad... nampak cantek... much better than mase aku maen ps3...
even lightning punyer pusat pon boleh nampak clear lol... tgk komen orang ramai semua perasan perbezaan antara before and after new patch... but at the same time... ramai gak yang komplen bila diaorang max out semua setting katenyer frame rate drop... please nikka... sila upgrade PC anda sebelom komplen lol...
dah terang terang ade caution kat settings...
Caution: Depending on your PC environment, some graphics options may cause the game processing to slow down considerably or prevent it from booting up at all. Remember to use the most suitable settings for your PC’s specifications.
ape diaorang tak reti bace ke?? lol
Last Edit: Dec 12, 2014 9:36:13 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
Post by DarkEmperor on Dec 12, 2014 11:48:14 GMT 8
trend sekarang most games yang keluar kat ps4 and xbox one akan keluar kat PC jugak... its just a matter of time...
aku rase sebab those 2 consoles hardware architecture sama macam PC deswai its not a big problem to port it to PC... unless awal awal dia cakap exclusive for certain console tu memang x boleh buat ape lah... tapi tu pon boleh nak kate 100% jugak... tengok ryse... dulu kate exclusive only on xbox one lol...
suatu ketika dahulu... aku tak tau ape fungsi ambient occlusion neh... sebabnyer most games yang ade option neh macam xde beza je... and selalu aku off je... sebab biler pakai ambient occlusion neh frame rate aku drop...
la ni pc dah power sket then try on kat far cry 4... nampak ketara beza dia...
dalam kereta...
personally aku prefer HBAO tuk outdoor... kalai indoor aku prefer SSAO atau SSBC... sebabnyer HBAO terlalu gelap tuk indoor...
Last Edit: Dec 13, 2014 2:20:33 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
Post by DarkEmperor on Dec 13, 2014 17:43:12 GMT 8
disebabkan phone aku hantar warranty and temp phone plak nokia jenis call and sms je... maka terpaksa guna android emulator kat PC... at 1st aku ingatkan nak pakai Bluestack...
pastu terfiker nak try yang laen kalau ade... and aku try andyroid... superb... smooth... personally bagi aku andyroid neh much much better than bluestack... emulator tuh gune custom rom... android akan detect ko gune galaxy tab 3...
downside dia pakai ram agak tinggi... kalau pc tu takat pakai 4gb je lupakan je lah nak test lol... www.andyroid.net/
sebelom aku run andyroid ram usage dalam 1.4gb... once run teros jadi 3gb usage...
tu tak jalan ape ape lagi... kalau bukak game lagi lah naik ram usage... deswai 4gb ram not recommended... boleh jalan but nanti tak smooth lah...
owh dia jugak boleh masok official play store... kalau bluestack tak support official play store... kena guna custom apk...
test maen boom beach... laju gella loading... dalam 3 saat teros masok base dah... kalau phone aku before this amek mase dalam 10 saat gak lah nak loading lol...
ni plak aku test game robocop... 60fps yo!!! tapi bile aku rakam gameplay gune dxtory jadi 20fps je lol...
antutu benchmark lol...
pendek kate sangat sesuailah kalau nak maen game android kat PC... ramai orang luar cakap DuOS lagi better dari andydroid... but bile aku nak test tgk kena bayar 10 dollar teros tak jadi...
andyroid free je macam bluestack...
Last Edit: Dec 13, 2014 18:03:54 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor