ekceli evil within yang macam dia lol. dreadout launched may 2014... the evil within october 2014.
but gameplay mechanic agak jaoh kalau nak dibandingkan dengan the evil within.... kalau atmosphere maybe boleh la saspen/seram.... comparable yang sesuai tuk dreadout adelah fatal frame or outlast.
Last Edit: Jun 18, 2015 10:35:26 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
WTF... setelah sekian lama aku menanti AC franchise dalam summer sale... bile dia keluar black flag cume 60% je.... kebabian apekah ini??
seminggu sebelom summer sale black flag ade sale 75% ok... and according to steamdb rekod terendah adelah 90%... how come summer sale sket bebenar letak 60% je?? how come??? fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....
nampaknya steam summer sale sudah hamper ke penghujungnya....
so ini report total damage aku tuk sale kali neh... Outlast 7.60 Outlast: Whistleblower DLC 4.20 Metro Redux Bundle 19.00 Grand Theft Auto III Trilogy 14.00 Rock of Ages 2.30 Murdered: Soul Suspect 11.20 Killer is Dead 7.60 DreadOut 7.75 Astebreed 7.75 Despair 0.25 Fallout 3 GOTY 12.92 Call of Juarez Gunslinger 12.25 Dishonored GOTY 19.04 Wolfenstein: The New Order 26.25 Killing Floor 2 37.00
Total - RM189.11 Minus card sale - RM32.12 Grand Total damage - RM156.99
nampaknyer aku dah terlebey belanja RM6.99... sebab bajet tuk sale kali neh cuma RM150 je.
tapi kire ok lah... average dalam RM10 setiap game.
Last Edit: Jun 21, 2015 2:56:49 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
perrhh banyak jugak ko beli.. hihihi aku xbeli ape2 pon.. game yang aim discount kecik sangat hahaha.. sempat main steam monster .. collect card lepas tu jual.. marilahh menabung.. marilah menabung..
banyak x banyak gak lah... still x bley celen rekod damage aku paling besar mase winter sale 2010 or 2011... tak ingat which year... mase tu aku pestaim jumpa encikpali kalau tak silap.
that time lebey RM500 habes lol... library aku dari puluh games jadi 100 lebey. penangan bonus namanya... since that beli game dah jadi macam hobi instead of maen... deswai walaupon aku ade banyak games but total gameplay time aku cume 1800 hours sepanjang 5 tahon aku ade steam... average dalam 6.5 jam je based on this steamdb.info/calculator/76561198031839169/?cc=my
Last Edit: Jun 21, 2015 3:26:06 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor