dia maen seolah olah ko develop game then pasarkan... starting dari dalam garaj... sampailah ko boleh bina empayar game...
at 1st aku develop game mari bawak bas... profit menggalakkan... then aku buat game rpg plak... demmit kurang sambutan... so tak banyak profit... sampai income aku negatif lol...
then aku buat mari bawak bas 2... fuhhh... masyukkk... dapat rating ok... then dapat jualan over 10k unit...
ok lah tuh lol...
at 1st ko cume boleh buat game kat platform samada pc or mac... nanti sket hari ade gameboy plak, pastu nes and seterosnyer... tapi dalam game tuh dia tak guna nama betol lah sebab copyright issue lol...
pastu tgh develop game ko boleh pileh ape genre, topic, engine, sound yang nak digunakan... and semua tu ade kos nak develop... then ingame mechanic pon nak amek kire... kat mane nak tekankan samada level, world, dialog, etc... dapat combination yang bagos memang boleh dapat perhatian lah... then fan akan beli ape jua game yang ko release... dah siap game bukan boleh senang senang nak teros launch... terpulanglah nak teroskan launch atau tak... sebab nak kena tgk ade bug ke tak... takot bug tu nanti jadi game breaker... kang next game ko launch kurang sambutan sebab ko pernah launch game full of bugs lol...
kire game neh bagi insight lah camner dev and publisher bekerja kat luar sana in real world... owh nama kampeni aku EA tshit...
ni sedikit sebanyak info pasal game tuh... beli lah weh... best dowh lol...
================================================= Game Dev Tycoon Game Dev Tycoon is a business simulation game available for Windows, Mac and Linux as well as on the Windows 8 Store. In Game Dev Tycoon you replay the history of the gaming industry by starting your own video game development company in the 80s. Create best selling games. Research new technologies and invent new game types. Become the leader of the market and gain worldwide fans.
Start out in the 80s Start your adventure in a small garage office in the 80s. Enjoy the hand-crafted level design while you develop your first simple games. Gain experience, unlock new options and create your first game engine.
Create games your way In Game Dev Tycoon the decisions you make during development really matter. Decide which areas you want to focus on. Does your game need more gameplay or should you focus more on quests? These decisions will have a major impact on the success of your game.
Make larger, more complex games With experience and a good team, you can release larger, more complex games. Larger games bring new challenges and you will have to manage your team well to deliver hit games.
Unlock labs and conduct industry-changing projects Move beyond just releasing games and conduct industry-changing projects by unlocking labs later in the game. There are a number of secret projects that can be completed.
Last Edit: Dec 29, 2014 0:01:41 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
word of advise... always save mase tgh maen... u never know bile akan keluar error/crash...
tadi baru je publish game kucing 2... rating baek punyer... dekat sejuta jugaklah kos nak buat game tu campor dengan license tuk release kat platform baru... tgk bawah sekali tuk tau ape platform baru tersebot...
sekali game teros crash... load balek sume save aku hilang... ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu....
menyesal plak disable cloud... maybe kalau aku enable cloud kemungkinan maseh selamat kot auto save...
anyway... kinda lulz...
ok lah dia pakai playsystem... bukan polystation...
mase aku tgh maen tuh aku perasan zaman kejatuhan pc... sebabnyer aku develop game tuk PC... profit/return tak banyak... ade 1 game tuh sampai negatif... tak balek modal... so aku tumpukan pade konsol dengan handheld...
nanti akan ade prompt pasal pirate... boleh buat pilihan samada tuk sue pirate or just bagi warning... pastu ade fan yang guna logo or gambar dari kampeni but non-profit usage... kite boleh pileh samada nak biarkan or larang dari diaorang pakai...
owh bile kampeni dah start popular nanti dapat jemputan tuk join game convention... kalau in real world kita panggel E3... dalam game tuh G3 lol... mase tuh memang senang lah nak boost jualan game samada tgh release or akan release... hype penting woooo... all aboardddd hype train...
also boleh research game engine sendiri so nampak lebey menarek... also boleh pileh samada nak publish sendiri or carik publisher... publisher codemeister (bukan codemaster ye lol) adelah sgt cilakak... dah la royalti dia bagi siket je... pastu tak penuhi rating kite kena bayar penalty... baek lah aku publish sendiri... walaupon sale tak banyak but at least 100% profit masok kampeni aku sendiri...
Last Edit: Dec 29, 2014 1:55:39 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
last game sebelom tido... duk melayan game neh tak sedar mase berlalu lol...
developed game Doom... and the rating is...
teros masok news...
cost to develop Doom 700k... income from Doom sale over 4 juta lol... rekod game yang terbaek setakat neh... habes je season Doom teros hantar semua staff pi vacation lol...
baru je masok umor 7 tahon... game neh kena maen sampai 35 tahon kalau tak silap aku baru tamat... starting from 80's...
Last Edit: Dec 29, 2014 3:59:58 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
game dev tycoon ni ada sale ke by the way, dulu aku perasan review game ni tak berapa bagus mainly sebab ko tak tau ape yang ko buat
yup... currently 20%... but aku beli 66% kalau tak silap aku... but even at full price its worth it...
rasenyer ko salah tengok game kot lol... review dia overwhelming positive... prison architect pon kalah...
maybe susah nak grasp gameplay mechanic dia at 1st... but once ko dah tau... agak susah nak stop maen... aku sendiri pon sampai 4 kampeni bungkus baru dapat berdiri balek lol... sebab nak try and error which are the best and which not...
berbalek pade gameplay... demmit... satu score je lagi tuk unlock perfect game achievement...
tapi takpe... sale sangat sangat memberansangkan hahahahaha... marketing baek punyer... siap sabotaj kampeni laen lagi... over 1 juta unit sold within 5 minggu... minggu ok!!! lol...
game quality tahap medium je... belom large mahupon AAA punyer type lol...
knowledge in real world gaming memang banyak membantu jugaklah... especially kalau korang gamers... sebab korang tau ape yang game perlukan lol... korang nak kene tau ape genre yang sesuai dengan topic game yang ko nak buat... then platform tuk game tu pon penting gak... also target audience tu pon penting... ade genre yang tak ngam dengan sesetengah target audience dan juga platform... pastu in development plak kena amek tau which is which yang ko perlu tekankan... samada gameplay, AI, level design, world design, engine, story and memacam lagi... kalau korang buat game RPG, tak tekankan bahagian story/quest, dialog and world design memang kelaut lah game tuh lol... nak kena pandai manage lah... ade sesetengah department tak perlu tekankan pon takpe tuk sesetengah topic/genre... sebab membazer masa and duet je... mase and duet yang digunakan kat department tak perlu tu boleh buat kat department yang sepatotnyer so that quality game bertambah baek...
ni result yang paleng latest...
buat kat gameboy je pon lol... kos buat game tak sampai sejuta... profit yang aku dapat over 20 millions lol... mase neh aku dah buat memacam game kat ps1 and sambutan kurang menggalakkan maybe dah banyak game kat platform tu aku buat...
sekarang aku dah masok era ps2 dengan xbox...
Last Edit: Dec 29, 2014 10:21:58 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
Post by DarkEmperor on Dec 29, 2014 15:03:04 GMT 8
abes dah maen story...
result aku...
event yang menarek sepanang gameplay adelah nigerian scammer lol... dapat email suh deposit duet tuk release duet dalam bank...
pastu patent troll... well you know who yang suka sangat nak patent sana sini.. at 1st aku kalah... 9 juta kena bayar and i was like wadefak?? game engine tu aku bikin sendiri lah lahanat...
then several years later... patent troll kembali lagi ngam ngam pas aku developed game engine baru... aku malas nak lawan... so aku suruh fan aku setelkan... and menang... teros tak kacau hidop aku lagi lol...
owh satu lagi yang menarek adelah console development... yup korang bley develop konsol sendiri tuk lawan kampeni laen cam sony and microsoft... at the end konsol aku pegang tempat ke-3 dalam market share... 1st place xbox next (12.8%) 2nd place playstation 5 (12.4%) 3rd place polystation 3 (11.8%) 4th place PC (11.1%) 5th place Wii U (9.7%)
silap aku jugak... mase awal awal dah tau develop konsol sendiri... buatlah game exclusive tuk konsol sendiri lol... ni sebok nak buat kat konsol orang laen... sampai konsol sendiri dilupakan... agak facepalm jugaklah...
then buat sequel game yang hot previously... buat exclusive kat konsol aku je... boommm... sale konsol mencanak naek...
Last Edit: Dec 29, 2014 15:08:53 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
ok. so komen2 yang aku baca. game ni takde feedback yang bagus untuk bagitau game ko bagus atau tak bagus. takde statistic dan numbers yang ko boleh analyze lepas game ko tu keluar
ko cuma nampak rating game dan brape banyak sale.. tapi ko tak tau sebab ape.
so, in the end, so ko takleh "learn" the game or react accordingly kepada ape yang berlaku dalam game. ko just guna some tried and tested formula untuk menghasilkan game yang sukses every time.
plus side?
1) murah 2) tema dia menarik dan jarang kita jumpa