kalau korang perasan nape M2U susah nak beli game kat steam inilah sebabnya
The issue was first noticed on social media when several Steam users attempted to buy games, only to find their transactions rejected. Some contacted Maybank customer service and were told that the transactions are blocked due to fact the service is considered a high-risk site that does not work with the MaybankSecure Online Shopping feature. However, Steam is not being singled out here. Lowyat.NET was told by the customer service line that all online gaming websites are currently blocked by Maybank for the same reason.
dengar citer, bukan Steam je yang kena, tapi semua online gaming websites kena, termasuklah Google play
yup... aku dah call CS... diaorang nyatakan benda yang sama... but tuk sementara waktu je block sampai diaorang punyer investigation tamat...
then aku tanya apa solution sementara kena block?? katenyer pakai kredit kad... so aku cakaplah xde kredit kad... dia cakap boleh apply... aku cakap dah apply tapi kena reject, camner?? dia senyap...
aku cakap nak tukar bank laen lah... teros dia cakap ada apa apa lagi yang saya boleh bantu??
Those who want to unblock their Maybank cards to buy games online can call the customer service line at 1-300-88-6688.
busit... aku dah call request tuk unblock kad aku katenyer tak boleh... takde sesape pon dapat pengecualian...
Last Edit: Mar 9, 2015 18:00:21 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor
Mungkin transaction ngan gaming store tinggi kot. Tu yg maybank block. Xdo cash yg cukup kt bank. Trololooo...
Mengkritik tidak bererti menentang,
Menyetujui tidak semestinya menyokong,
Menegur tidak bermakna membenci,
Berbeza pendapat adalah kawan berfikir yang baik.