Ok. aku dok layan rancangan ni semalam. layan gak la. kira game show ni, macam 4 peserta buat "virtual date" dengan Yuri 4 perserta ni dapat first person view kira macam konon2 kita berada kat situ la biasanya at the end of the video akan berlaku situasi ko ko kene pilih 4 pilihan
contoh video
biasanya lepas kuar 4 pilihan jawapan ni, contestant akan pilih salah satu daripada jawapan lepas tu hos akan bagitau berapa markah yang diberi oleh Yuri pada situasi tersebut. markah akan diberi sama ada +20, +10, 0 , -10 , -20 so kalau sape yang dapat -20 tu memang bapak sedih la
ada 4 pilihan. She is in a dire situation, what will you do? (1) Quickly call the security to sort out the situation (2) Immediately throw a punch to the man, protecting the girl (3) Acting like her boyfriend, naturally throw your arms around her shoulders, saying "So you were here, I was looking for you!" (4) "Why are you being this way?" - try to reach out to the man in a civilized way
artis kat studio tak dapat ape ape la dapat gloating rights je tapi kalau penonton di rumah kalau tak silap aku, 20 sms pertama yang betul dapat hadiah