anyway.. game neh developer dia platinum games... developer yang sama bagi game bayonetta and metal gear rising revengeance... so aku expect game neh akan full of action lah...
Tak syok kora ni. Follow 1st season. Pastu maleh nak tgk dah.
bagi aku best... season 1 ok lah menarek sebab pengenalan... season 2 failed miserably and suck...time neh korra aku boleh katekan agak bitchy lol ending je best mase dia lawan dark avatar... season 3 the best!!! sebab each episode banyak action and ramai air bender tetiba muncul.... season 4 tak tau lagi and cant wait for it as korra sekarang neh lumpuh sebab kena racun and overused avatar state at the end of season 3...
Last Edit: Oct 23, 2014 10:39:17 GMT 8 by DarkEmperor